Research Management Review

Research Management Review

Welcome to the Research Management Review (RMR) Online! As the scholarly journal for the National Council of University Research Administrators, the RMR is concerned with the broad range of issues affecting the administration of research and the changing research environment at the national and international levels. The RMR provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge about the study and practice of the research administration profession. 

If you have any questions concerning the writing and submission of RMR articles, as well as basic questions concerning the RMR, please contact the RMR Editor, Aimee Roundtree


Call for Articles

The current call for articles invites manuscripts to be submitted. The priority deadline for submissions for the next issue is December 15, 2024. See the author instructions for details.


Read the developing edition articles
Read the most recent complete issue

Volume 26, Number 1 - 2023

Resubmission Assistance: Understanding Current Practices and Perspectives
Sarah Polasky, University of Missouri-Columbia, Jeannie Wilson, JulieAnna Carsen, Lillian Stover, Shelby Cowley, and Ann Nielsen, Arizona State University

Exploring Research Administrators' Perceived Marginality, Isolation, and Mattering
Karen Gaudreault, Denis Schulz, Ruby Lynch-Arroyo, University of New Mexico, Caitlin Olive, Adelphi University, and Kelly Simonton, University of Wyoming

Perceived Reputational and Administrative Capacity Biases & the Role of Carnegie Classifications in Funding Review Processes
Emily Devereux, University of South Carolina

Book Review: Grantsmanship for New Investigators, 1st ed.
Shannon Breeding, Huston-Tillotson University