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Audience, Purpose, Content, History
As the scholarly journal for the National Council of University Research Administrators, the RMR is concerned with the broad range of issues affecting the administration of research and the changing research environment at the national and international levels. The RMR provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge about the study and practice of the research administration profession. All issues are open to the public and accessible online.
Papers submitted to RMR are examined by at least two reviewers for originality and timeliness in the context of related research. Papers submitted to RMR are shared only with peer reviewers on a double-blind basis during the review process. If not accepted for publication, RMR will not circulate the work further and will retain no publication or copyright claims. Reviews generally are completed in 30-90 days, with publication in the next available issue. Please submit revisions along with a list of changes and justification for changes made. Developing issues publish manuscripts on a rolling basis.
Authors retain the rights to their work published in RMR and may freely make their papers available as they see fit. Contributors to RMR are encouraged to select a Creative Commons license.
Authors submitting a paper to RMR automatically agree to confer a limited, non-transferrable, non-exclusive license to RMR if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication. This license allows RMR to publish a manuscript in a given issue.
To improve RMR’s open access characteristics we have adopted a Creative Commons licensing policy, giving the community the opportunity to freely spread contents under a Creative Commons 4.0 by-nc-nd license. The journal does not apply any article processing or submission charge.
Once their article has been accepted for publication, the author(s) will be asked to transfer the ownership of his or her article to NCURA. Transfer of copyright is the precondition of publication in RMR; however, the author(s) will retain the following non-exclusive rights:
a) To make the article available in any medium provided that the article is not sold for a profit, and the first publication by RMR, with a URL link and complete bibliographic details, is referenced.
b) To use, reproduce, distribute, create derivative works and display publicly, the article in electronic, digital, or print form in connection with the author’s academic, teaching, and other professional activities, provided that the first publication by RMR, with a URL link and complete bibliographic details, is referenced.
All of RMR’s current and archival content is available freely to anyone with Internet connectivity. RMR’s content is completely available in line with notions of open access as expressed in the Budapest Open Access Initiative and related statements and declarations.
RMR does not charge readers or their institutions for access. All authors and readers have the right to download, copy, distribute, modify, create derivative works and display the articles publicly in electronic, digital, or print form, provided that the post-print version of the articles are not sold for a profit and the first Publication by RMR, with a URL link and complete bibliographic details, is referenced. RMR has no article processing charges, page charges, or submission charges; we do not charge authors or their institutions for publishing their work and do not solicit or accept payment for contributions.
RMR and NCURA preserve our journal content. By archiving all published material. We ensure that all our content remains accessible to a future generation of researchers.
The journal uses human and non-human audits to screen for plagiarism and collusion. Plagiarism occurs when taking others' ideas without proper attribution. Collusion occurs when human and/or non-human co-writers are enlisted without attribution. Non-human writers include large language model software such as ChatGPT. Text generated from AI, machine learning, or similar algorithmic tools cannot be used in, nor are they permitted to author, RMR manuscripts.
RMR does not charge publication fees.
The Institute of Education Sciences provides long-term preservation where past issues of the journal are currently archived.