Unit-Level Sponsored Programs Review

NCURA Peer Programs

Unit-Level Sponsored Programs Review


At large research organizations, or a large research activity within a smaller organization, the sponsored programs activities may be decentralized to a school, college, division, or organized research unit. At this unit-level some or most of the core sponsored program functions are managed. A peer review of the unit-level sponsored program operation provides not only a holistic review of the sponsored program functions managed by the unit but additionally the interaction and effectiveness between the unit and the central operations.

While the unit-level Standards applied to this review are similar to those used when reviewing the institution’s central operation, this review focuses specifically on the unit and the unit’s primary stakeholders.

The review provides key information to the unit on:

  • Risk management/compliance
  • Enhanced faculty service
  • Operational efficiencies
  • Business process improvement
  • Improved communications
  • Interface between unit and central operations
  • Improved responsiveness to sponsors

 Explore the Standards used to frame our unit-level sponsored programs peer review and the general types of questions that relate to this review. Contrast the unit-level review with our central review and global review. Or, check out the research compliance program peer review to focus on your research compliance areas.


For questions or further information, please complete our information request form.

It was outstanding! This was the first time [our unit] had made an investment in the area of sponsored programs. The process to complete the briefing book helped us analyze our entire research administration operation. We received many comments from faculty who participated in the process and appreciated an opportunity to be candid with the review team. The review team was excellent, knowledgeable, patient and observant.

Unit-Level Administrator