
Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation
A full version of NCURA's Articles of Incorporation can be found in our NCURA Articles of Incorporation PDF.
NCURA Bylaws
A full version of NCURA's Bylaw can be found in our NCURA Bylaws PDF.
Administrative Policy
A full version of NCURA's Administrative Policies can be found in our NCURA Administrative Policies PDF.
Administrative Policy Procedures

Procedure for Proposed Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws from the Membership
Procedure for Regional Workshop Prior Review


Alcohol Liability Policy
In consideration of liability and professional responsibility, it is NCURA's policy that all national and regional functions sponsored by NCURA will only use the beverage and beverage attendant services of the hotels or other facilities at which such functions are held. Any deviation from the stated policy must be submitted to the Executive Director and approved by the NCURA Officers.
Code of Conduct
A full version of NCURA's Code of Conduct can be found in our Code of Conduct PDF.
Conflict of Interest Policy
A full version of NCURA's Confict of Interest Policy can be found in our Conflict of Interest Policy PDF.
Equitable Participation Guidelines
The full version of NCURA's Equitable Participation Guidelines can be found in our Equitable Participation Guidelines PDF.
Social Media Policy
A full version of NCURA's Social Media Policy can be found in our social media policy PDF.
Travel Reimbursement Policy
A full version of NCURA's Travel Reimbursement Policy can be found in our  travel reimbursement policy PDF.