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An NCURA Peer Review provides an objective assessment of your sponsored programs operations. Peer review and academic program review are recognized throughout higher education as a process that promotes external objective assessment and critique in order to yield a quality product or program.
External expertise is an avenue to bring education and information to faculty and administrative participants. The dialogue and discussions are opportunities to identify, and at times enlighten, misunderstandings or misperceptions about research administration.
Institutional history can develop misconceptions that impact current operations or strategic goals. The external review by experts in the field brings objectivity to the recommendations offered to assist the institution in responding to these misconceptions.
Institutions of higher education embrace peer review in virtually all academic areas. Implementing external peer review with the sponsored programs area visibly demonstrates that the institution has consistent standards and expectations for all units and operations.
The process brings stakeholders together, strengthening cross-institutional dialogue on core administrative functions.
Faculty and administrators gain assurance that sponsored programs is performing at peak efficiency to meet stakeholder needs.
An NCURA Peer Review provides information about areas of potential improvement, best practices, or alternatives that will enhance your operation.
The NCURA Team brings combined expertise across all areas of research administration, unlikely to occur with a consultant.