Proposal Submission Information

2025 Financial Research Administration Conference & Pre-Award Research Administration Conference

Submission Deadline - Friday, August 16, 2024

FRA - March 17 & 18, 2025

Shared Workshop Day - March 19, 2025

PRA - March 20 & 21, 2025

Please read through all the information below before clicking the button to submit your proposal at the bottom of the page.


The NCURA FRA & PRA Conferences are inclusive opportunities for everyone in the research administration community to engage in an exceptional learning experience.  This meeting is intended to help the NCURA community advance their career, as well as increase effectiveness and productivity at their institution. 

NCURA welcomes proposals that reflect diversity, sound adult learning principles and reflect the best thinking in the profession, informed by theory, research and practice. To deliver exceptional learning experiences, preference may be given to proposals that are positioned to deliver a mix of the following:

  • Content: 
    • Reflect innovative, cutting-edge content and evidence-based practice
    • Present regulatory information and best business practices
    • Explore issues important to international audiences
  • Instructional Design: 
    • Stimulate and provoke discussion, audience engagement, during the live Q&A, and outcome-focused design
    • Facilitate knowledge transfer and development of new competencies
    • Use methods that draw out relevant past knowledge and experiences
    • Demonstrate relevance of lessons through "real-life" case studies
  • Audience: 
    • Those who are new to the profession, as well as emerging leaders through executive-level, seasoned professionals
    • Different types of adult learners

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

In support of NCURA's Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, please plan for a diverse and inclusive presentation team. Opportunities include presenters from different institutions, different regions, varying genders, varying ethnicities and varying generations. In addition,  please limit your presentations to no more than two sessions for the conference, and up to one workshop. This will ensure we will have many perspectives and opportunities for the community to get involved.

Topic Areas

As you reflect on your proposal, please consider the following topics, which are focus areas for the conference program. While proposals may address more than one area, you must select one which is the best fit. The topic areas for each conference are noted below:

FRA Tracks

Accounting, Finance & Costing • Career Development/Diversity, Equity & Inclusion • Clinical/Medical • Departmental • Federal • Financial Compliance/Audit • Global • Pre-Award • Predominantly Undergraduate Institutions (PUI)  Workshops

PRA Tracks

Clinical/Medical/Industry • Compliance • Departmental • Federal/Sponsor • Finance for Pre-Award • Global • Human Capital /Diversity, Equity & Inclusion • Proposal/Research Development • Systems/ERA/Data/AI  Predominantly Undergraduate Institutions (PUI)  Workshops

Learning Formats

Workshops (Wednesday, March 19th)
Half day hands-on, interactive programs taught by topic area experts. Workshops are supported by powerpoint presentations and handouts, and presented in a classroom setting by two - three faculty.  
Concurrent Sessions
Concurrent sessions are presented and facilitated by 2-4 presenters at maximum, supported by a power point presentation, and participants are typically set in a theater type setting.  These sessions have run times of either 45, 60 or 90 minutes to include Q&A.    
Discussion Groups
These are small group, facilitated conversations (2 facilitators maximum). Instead of formal presentations, the specific topics are discussed, and information is shared by the group’s attendees.  These sessions do not use slide decks, handouts or multi-media.  
Knowledge Levels

Assume some level of fundamental knowledge of research administration. Participants have limited experience of the subject area; they may be mid-career managers or directors looking to fill in gaps to solidify their skill set and individuals new to the profession.

This level is appropriate for individuals with some knowledge and experience in the subject area, individuals who are mid-level managers and directors in their fields with an established degree of competence and for those seeking to build on, apply or enhance existing knowledge.

Assume mastery of the subject. Sessions focus on in-depth knowledge and are at a high-level with peer-to-peer sharing, creativity, and innovation. Topics may be highly technical or detailed, preparing learners to shape organizational strategy and aid in the growth or progress of best practices. Objectives may be, to enhance the learner’s ability to lead change, manage high-performing teams, and develop leadership at their institution. This level is appropriate for senior staff and executives with significant expertise, knowledge and experience who could be deemed an expert in the field.

Sessions provide a general review of a subject area from a broader perspective

Will provide a general review of new developments.

Proposal Process & Selection Criteria

A program committee made up of member volunteers who are experts in research administration and understand the skills necessary to be successful in the profession, will review all proposals.  Proposals are evaluated on each of the following five criteria:

Program Design
Ability to Inspire Action
Overall Quality



Rules of Engagement


Submission Online:   All proposals must be submitted using the online form. Upon submitting a proposal, you will receive an automatic confirmation for your records if it was submitted successfully.


Use clear, compelling language:  Session proposals require clear and concise titles, persuasive outcome-focused descriptions (limit 150 words) and should have three action-oriented and well-thought-out learning objectives/take-aways that answer the prompt “after this participants will be able to…”


Use attributions when appropriate:  Used effectively, quotations can provide important evidence or clarity to explain your session idea. Excerpts used ineffectively, however, without attribution are unacceptable and will result in your proposal being excluded from review or acceptance.


Avoid all commercial bias and adhere to NCURA Equitable Participation Guidelines  


Research Studies - Presenters will refrain from conducting any research studies during the presentation. 


All accepted presenters must adhere to published deadlines:  You must be committed and responsive to working with NCURA to deliver your session by adhering to deadlines, to include submitting program materials. 


Diverse organizational perspective:  To ensure we have a diversity of perspectives, there must be at least 2 institutions/organizations represented for any particular session.


All accepted presenters must observe intellectual property rights:  Presenters must ensure that information, illustrations, images contained in presentations, related materials or visual aids shall be factual and not be misleading and will not violate the intellectual property or copyrights any third party. Written documentation of ownership or permission must be provided upon request and is required for all video and television/film related imagery.


Number of Presenters:  There will be a maximum of 4 presenters for each concurrent session and 2 presenters for each discussion group during the 2025 FRA & PRA Conferences. 


All accepted presenters are asked to register for the conference: NCURA asks that you register for the in-person meeting.  A 20% presenter discount will be available for all presenters. *Please note - the 20% discount applies to the registration fee, and does not apply to membership dues if you need to include them to your registration.  If you have any questions regarding registering for the conference, please email Tracey King at king@ncura.edu.


Increasing Opportunity (up to one workshop and two sessions):  To support NCURA's Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, please limit your presentations to no more than two sessions per conference, and up to one workshop on the shared workshop day. This will ensure we will have many perspectives and opportunities for the community to get involved.
Workshop Offerings

Present One

  • 1/2 Day Workshop
Conference Sessions

Choose TWO

  • Concurrent & Discussion Groups

For questions, please contact Tracey King, Director, Conference Education & Sponsorship - king@ncura.edu.