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Welcome to the Research Management Review (RMR) Online! As the scholarly journal for the National Council of University Research Administrators, the RMR is concerned with the broad range of issues affecting the administration of research and the changing research environment at the national and international levels. The RMR provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge about the study and practice of the research administration profession. The current developing issue is member-only access but all archive issues are open to the public and accessible online.
Standard, Expedited, or Exempt: Can ChatGPT Determine IRB Review Category? Emmett Lombard, Gannon University
Exploring Marginality, Isolation, and Perceived Mattering Among Research Administrators Denis Schulz, California State University San Marcos, Karen Gaudreault, University of New Mexico, and Ruby Lynch-Arroyo, University of Texas at El Paso
A Case Study of Research Administrator Perceptions of Job Satisfaction in a Central Research Administration Unit at a Private University Noelle Strom, University of Denver
Research Security and the Cost of Compliance - Phase I Report Council on Governmental Relations
BOOK REVIEW: The SAGE Handbook for Research Management, 1st ed. Chloe Brown, Texas State University
BOOK REVIEW: The Mentor’s Guide: Five Steps to Build a Successful Mentor Program, 2nd ed. Clinton Patterson, Texas A&M University
Research Analytics in Higher Education:Systematic Literature Review, Synthesis, and Conceptual Framework Katherine Robershaw, Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence. Min Xiao, University of Kentucky, and Baron G. Wolf, University of Kentucky
If you have questions please contact RMR Editor
Aimee Kendall Roundtree Assistant Vice President for Research Texas State University - San Marcos