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Get the most out of your conference experience by getting involved with NCURA! The outstanding sessions being planned and presented are complimented by a host of volunteer opportunities. These opportunities allow you to engage with NCURA colleagues and start some new, mutually beneficial connections!
Welcome Call to First Time Attendees - Have you attended the FRA or PRA Conferences? We need you! We would like to have 30 volunteers to each call and welcome 10 first time attendees of the conferences! This Volunteer opportunity is for those individuals who have attended the FRA or PRA Conference previously. What does this entail? Calling 10 first time attendees prior to the meeting to help answer their questions and share your knowledge of the conference, along with a follow-up call after the conference to check in about their experience.
Host City Welcome Committee- NCURA is calling on local members from the conference area to join NCURA’s Host City Welcome Committee. It’s a great way for you to showcase your home city while getting to know your fellow NCURA colleagues. Activities range from providing information about the city at the Conference Welcome Booth to guiding walking tours of the city, recommending restaurants and must-see hot spots to leading colleagues on a morning fun run to get their hearts pumping.
Fitness Track- Help fellow participants stay active during the conferences. Lead fitness activities, such as the Fun Run, Power Walk, Boot Camp, Zumba or Yoga!
Express Registration- Make participants feel welcome during the conference Express Registration. Hand out conference packets and assist participants with their badges, all while getting to know your NCURA colleagues.
May I Help You Find Your Meeting Room?- Meet fellow participants by helping them navigate their way through the conference. Help NCURA help others find their way by directing participants to their proper session room. You will be equipped with a hotel map and a “May I Help You Find Your Meeting Room” sign.
NCURA Cares- The NCURA Cares Shower Outreach program helps local shelters by creating hygiene kits for the homeless. By donating one night's worth of hotel shower toiletries, participants help provide warm, clean showers for those in need. NCURA Volunteers will collect these hygiene kits throughout the conference and bring them to a local shelter at the end of the conference. Volunteer to provide assistance with donation collections and show how NCURA Cares!
Dinner Groups - Continue conversations and make new connections while enjoying a meal with your colleagues. Volunteer to lead a dinner group to a local restaurant. NCURA staff will provide sign-up sheets and restaurant information.
NCURA Video Assistance - Help NCURA gather content for future YouTube Tuesday videos. Assist with taping Spark Sessions while enjoying the content presented.
Facebook Fan/Team Twitter- Are you active on social media and planning to attend the Conference? Volunteer to join our PRA or FRA Facebook Fans and post throughout the meeting!
Tech Team - Tech Team members play a key role in ensuring the success of our conferences. Provide technical support for conference sessions by setting up laptops and projectors at the beginning of the day and breaking down after the day's last session. As a member of this critical team, you will receive a 50% rebate off your conference registration fee.
Volunteer a Projector - Bring your projector(s) for use in the meeting rooms throughout each day, and receive a 50% rebate off your conference registration fee. Projectors will be collected during Pre-Registration and should be picked up after the last day's session.