Glenda Bullock

 Number of Years in Research Administration: 25

Institutions: Missouri S&T University (formerly the University of Missouri - Rolla), Washington University in St. Louis


Glenda Bullock currently serves as the Director of Research and Business Administration for the Divisions of Hematology, Rheumatology, Pharmacogenomics, Medical Education and Allergy & Immunology at Washington University School of Medicine.  Her responsibilities include the overall management of the Divisions’ research enterprise, including strategic and space planning, personnel management, administration of all research and training grants, contracts and federally funded clinical studies.  She also manages the Hemophilia Treatment Center 340B prescription drug program for the Division of Hematology.  She has and continues to serve on numerous University committees related to research administration, compliance and training. 


Prior to her tenure in the Department of Medicine, Glenda spent six years as the Contracts & Grants Manager in the Research Office where she was responsible for negotiation and administration of contracts and subcontracts for the University. She also received valuable experience as the Research Services Coordinator at the University of Missouri-Rolla (now Missouri S&T University) where she worked extensively with faculty and other administration offices on research proposal submission, award acceptance, and research contract negotiations for the Rolla Campus for five years. Her broad knowledge of research administration from both the central and departmental perspective is invaluable in the training of new administrators and in writing and implementing new policies and procedures.


A member of NCURA since 1993, Glenda has given numerous presentations and workshops at regional and national meetings on a variety of research administration topics including but not limited to: training grant management, applicable charges to research grants, departmental and central office communications and quality metrics.  She has been involved in NCURA on a regional and national level through her service on the National and Regional Board of Directors, National Nominating and Leadership Development Committee, National Departmental Research Administration Workshop Faculty, FRA Neighborhood Committee member, Co-Chair of a regional meeting, and Co-Chair of a National Pre-Award Research Administration Conference.  Glenda currently serves as a member of the International Traveling Workshop Faculty, and is an NCURA Peer Reviewer.  She is also the recipient of the Kevin Reed Outstanding Professional Award in 1996 as well as the Distinguished Service Award for NCURA Region IV in 2007. Glenda received NCURA’s national Julia Jacobsen Distinguished Service Award in 2016. 

NCURA Peer Program engagements are priced as a flat fee, scaled to the sponsored programs total active award dollars in the last fiscal year, regardless of type of Peer Program engagement.