Select Committee on Global Affairs

Mission & Responsibilities

  • Actively assist, advocate, and advance NCURA’s global strategic agenda and initiatives.
  • Advocate for and assist the International Region, including program development and outreach; this responsibility will transition away once the International Region is more established.
  • Serve as a resource for educational topic suggestions and program ideas on global research management.
  • Oversee the NCURA International Fellowship Program, including, but not limited to, presentation of recommended Fellows for Board concurrence.
  • Serve as NCURA’s global ambassadors and meet or otherwise communicate with non-US visitors as requested by the Executive Director and Executive Committee, or by members of the International Region.
  • Serve as a communication conduit between the International Region, the International Collaborate Community and the greater membership.
  • Oversee and advise with non-regional, educational global programming and outreach.


2024 SCGA

Member Name Committee Position Organization
Jaroslav Sip Chair Czech Technical University in Prague
Annika Glauner Vice Chair ETH Zurich
Ara Tahmassian Member Havard University
Beatrice Sakyibea Biney-Nyamekye Member University of Ghana, Ghana
Sylvia Ezekilova Member George Washington University
Henna Moore Member University of Helsinki
Beth Kingsley Member Yale University
Nicole Joyce Member University of California San Diego
Megan Moore Member Harvard University
Edward Wiedemann Member University of California San Francisco
Bruno Woeran Member Paracelsus Private Medical University, Salzburg



Claire Chen, Senior Executive of Global Initiatives, NCURA.

Jan Bruegmann, Global Liasion, Global Intiatives, NCURA
