Collaborate Working Group Member


The Collaborate Community Committee is responsible for creating and contributing content to NCURA's secure professional networking communities. The Subcommittees with open volunteer opportunities include:

  1. Compliance Community
  2. Departmental Research Administration Community
  3. Electronic Research Administration Community
  4. Financial Research Administration Community
  5. Global Community                                
  6. Pre-Award Research Administration Community
  7. Predominantly Undergraduate Institutions Community



Each Topical community has a subcommittee of up to 10 people responsible for identifying and adding content to their community, ensuring questions on the listserv are responded to, and participating in community activities as listed below under function of position. In Addition subcommittee members will work with the Collaborate community Chairs to identify new and innovative ways to create, share, and interact with content.

DURATION:  2 years

Function of Position - Serve as content managers and functional experts contributing to and managing the resources of one of NCURA’s topical communities.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities & Percentage Time Devoted - Committee members are responsible for the maintenance and ongoing enhancement of their specific communities, including planning for site enrichment through expansion and assisting the Collaborate Community Chairs in coordination and development of the Community infrastructure. Specific activities will include site maintenance (including identifying, locating and analyzing emerging material to determine if it should be added, determining how the site should be functionally organized, monitoring existing material to determine when it needs to be updated, replaced, or deleted, and removing outdated or inaccurate material.) In addition, responsibilities will include 1 or more of the following items:

  1. Identify & promote topical content to share in community.
  2. Identify and manage Collaborate On-Campus Profiles.
  3. Design and/or implement monthly announcements to share on the landing page.
  4. Identify monthly YouTube Videos or NCURA Magazine Articles related to the community to share on the Community landing page.
  5. Assist with meeting quarterly goals of conducting on-campus interviews, NCURA membership polls etc
  6. Innovate new ways to increase member participation


The structure of this group has been designed to allow members to participate for varying amounts of time to fit their personal and professional schedules. During the appointment period mutually selected by the Collaborate Curator and the Collaborate Community Chair, members are responsible for the functions of the committee described above. They will serve as the core individuals responsible for ensuring content accuracy and the usefulness of this critical tool. It is anticipated that this work will involve 2-4 hours a month.


Knowledge and/or Skills – Significant knowledge of the topic area and of the major players or resources available in at least part of that arena.  Analytical ability sufficient to assess materials to determine their overall usefulness to the community.  Interpersonal skills sufficient to interact tactfully with members, authors or those who have submitted materials to help them understand why materials are being included or excluded.  Willingness to organize materials in ways that will be intuitive and useful to users having a broad range of skills and topical knowledge. The ability to envision the future to understand appropriate linkages and opportunities. Technical knowledge is not required, but an appreciation for the use of electronic tools and a willingness to work collaboratively is important.

Education and/or Experience – Experience is needed in the area of Collaborate and/or Communities, knowledgeable about online platforms and/ or social media site.

Training and Support - Committee members will report to their Chair. The Committee is supported by guidance from the Collaborate Chairs and the PDC as well as the NCURA Staff Liaison.

Additional - Participation in electronic communications. Average of 2-4 hours a month, depending upon assignments.

For further information on this position, contact Audrey Nwosu, Coordinator Membership and Volunteer Services at nwosu@ncura.edu