At each Annual Meeting, NCURA recognizes up to five members who have made sustained and distinctive contributions to the organization with its Julia Jacobsen Distinguished Service Award.


As a Washington, DC local committed to the field of research administration, Julia Jacobsen played a paramount role in expanding the efforts of NCURA. Not only was she influential in bringing government speakers to the annual meetings, but when it came time for NCURA to establish an office in DC, Julia opened her home to the association. After she was elected as Secretary-Treasurer in 1974, she advocated for increased professional development opportunities and was instrumental in defining what would become NCURA’s Regions. In honor of the dedicated service to NCURA that Julia exemplified, the Distinguished Service Award was renamed the NCURA Julia Jacobsen Distinguished Service Award in 2013.




The Nominating and Leadership Development Committee (NLDC) invites nominations for this award. Nominees for NCURA’s Julia Jacobsen Distinguished Service Award must 1) be current or past members, and 2) have made significant contributions to NCURA. Please note, current National officers (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) and NCURA Standing Committee (FMC, NLDC and PDC) Chairs and Vice Chairs are ineligible for nomination for a Julia Jacobsen Distinguished Service Award.

Submission materials for this award are:

  • A letter of nomination (300-400 words) written by someone with personal knowledge of the nominee that states why the individual should be considered for this honor and confirms that the nominee will be available to personally accept the award at the upcoming Annual Meeting.
  • Up to three letters of support from NCURA members that comment on this person’s contribution to NCURA.
  • To re-nominate a previous candidate, please submit a revised letter of nomination and supply copies of past, revised, or new letters of support.

All nominations and supporting materials from the nominees must be sent electronically to awards@ncura.edu on or before March 15, 2024.

Inquiries regarding the award may be directed to Kathleen Larmett at (202) 466-3894.


In 2023, NCURA recognized four members with the Julia Jabosen Distinguished Service Award. These recipients are:

Erin Bailey

University at Buffalo

Annika Glauner

University of Zurich

Jeff Seo

Northeastern University


Tony Ventimiglia

Auburn University




Erin Bailey, University at Buffalo
Annika Glauner, University of Zurich
Jeff Seo, Northeastern University
Tony Ventimiglia, Auburn University
Anne Albinak, Johns Hopkins University
Diane Hillebrand, University of North Dakota
Fadia Homeidan, American University of Beirut
Toni Shaklee, Oklahoma State University
Mary Louise Healy, Johns Hopkins University
Derick Jones, Lundquist Institute for Biomedical Innovation at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center
Sue Kelch, University of Michigan- Ann Arbor
Stacy Riseman, College of the Holy Cross
Lori Ann Schultz, University of Arizona
Tricia Callahan, Colorado State University
Rashonda Harris, Emory University
Lisa Mosley, Yale University
Ben Prince, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Jill Tincher, University of Georgia
John Hanold, The Pennsylvania State University
Dennis Paffrath, University of Maryland, Baltimore
Shannon Sutton, Western Illinois University
Ara Tahmassian, Harvard University
Susan Zipkin, University of New Hampshire
Bruce Morgan, University of California, Irvine
Mario Medina, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Robyn Remotigue, University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth
Twila Reighley, Michigan State University
Suzanne Rivera, Case Western Reserve University
Jilda Garton, Georgia Institute of Technology
Agatha Keller, ETH Zurich / Univeristy of Zurich
Vicki Krell, Arizona State University
Rosemary Madnick, University of Alaska- Fairbanks
Glenda Bullock, Washington University in St. Louis
Kris Monahan, Providence College
Denise Moody, Harvard University
Craig Reynolds, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Samantha Westcott, California Institute of Technology
Brenda Kavanaugh, University of Rochester
Marjorie Forster, University of Maryland, Baltimore
Thomas E. Wilson, Rush University Medical Center
Cindy Hope, The University of Alabama
Toni Lawson, University of Maryland College Park
Dan Nordquist, Washington State University
Timothy Reuter, Stanford University
Cathy Snyder, Vanderbilt University
Judy Fredenberg, University of Montana
Barbara Gray, East Carolina University
Stephen Hansen, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Norm Hebert, Brown University
David Richardson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Michele Codd, George Washington University
Barbara Cole, University of Miami
Francois Lemire, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Susan Sedwick, The Universityy of Texas at Austin
Michelle Vazin, Vanderbilt University
Patrick Green, Vanderbilt University
F. Edward Herran, Purchase College, SUNY
Heather Offhaus, University of Michigan
Kerry Peluso, Emory University
Beth Seaton, Western Illinois University
Denise J. Clark, University of Maryland College Park
Patrick Fitzgerald, Harvard University
Vivian Holmes, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Jane Youngers, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
James Casey, Jr., University of Texas at San Antonio
David Mayo, California Institute of Technology
Georgette Sakumoto, University of Hawaii
Pamela Webb, University of Minnesota
Pamela Whitlock, University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Vincent "Bo" Bogdanski, Colorado State University
F. John Case, University of Akron
Allen Soltow, University of Tulsa
Laura Wade, University of Houston - Texas Center for Superconductivity
Denise Wallen, University of New Mexico
Jo Barnes, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville
Jamie Caldwell, Loyola University of Chicago
John Carfora, Amherst College
Jerry Fife, Vanderbilt University
Ann Holmes, University of Maryland, College Park
Jan Fox, Texas Christian University
Patricia Hawk, Oregon State University
Robert Killoren, The Ohio State University
Peggy Lowry, Oregon State University
Cynthia White, Washington University
Marti Dunne, New York University
Dick Keogh, Info Ed International, Inc.
Gunta Liders, University of Rochester
Garry Sanders, ORDWAY Research Institute, Inc.
Mary Ellen Sheridan, University of Chicago
Thomas Coggins, University of South Carolina
Milton Cole, Villanova University
Stephen Erickson, Boston College
Cheryl-Lee Howard, The John Hopkins University
Regina White, Brown University
Alice Tangredi-Hannon, University of Pennsylvania
Christina Hansen, University of California-Irvine
Kim Moreland, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Marianne Rinaldo Woods, University of Alabama
Andrew Rudczynski, University of Pennsylvania
Steven Smartt, Vanderbilt University