Stephanie Gray

 Number of Years in Research Administration: 19

Institutions:  University of Wisconsin - Madison, University of Florida


Stephanie Gray is the Assistant Vice President of Research and Director of Sponsored Programs at the University of Florida.  In that role, she oversees the preaward and nonfinancial post award administration at a land-grant University that includes medical, dental, agricultural, engineering, basic sciences, humanities and professional schools.  As a comprehensive institution, Stephanie has a wealth of experience in all facets of research administration and has led growth in research activity from $644M to $837M in her seven years at UF.  

At both of the institutions at which she worked, Stephanie facilitated transformations through implementation and restructuring of electronic research administration tools ranging from preaward systems to reporting tools to restricted data environments.  In addition, she has created and delivered novel training programs, navigated federal audits related to effort reporting and global activities, and used risk based approaches to ensuring compliance with sponsored programs regulations.  

 Stephanie has presented at local, regional and national meetings over the past two decades ranging from online webinars in proposal basics to workshops on managing regulated data. She served on the NCURA Professional Development Committee leading the Online Programming Subcommittee. She has published a chapter in NCURA’s to Sponsored Research Administration: A Guide to Effective Strategies & Recommended Practice on regulated data and information security. She has also presented at the Southern Association of College and University Business Officers College Business Management Institute.

NCURA Peer Program engagements are priced as a flat fee, scaled to the sponsored programs total active award dollars in the last fiscal year, regardless of type of Peer Program engagement.