
If you are an NCURA member interested in volunteering for any of the opportunities listed, click on the link for each opportunity to sign up in NCURA's Volunteer Central   

Click Here to View our Volunteer Opportunities for AM66

If you have any questions about membership or ways to get involved, please email Audrey Nwosu,   nwosu@ncura.edu  

What did you think of that last session? Which one was the most helpful? Tell us what you thought about the concurrent sessions of this year's Annual Meeting! We are always striving to improve the content of our meetings and would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions. Download the form here  and return it to the NCURA Registration Desk or email it to Tracey King, king@ncura.edu

National Council of University Research Administrators
1015 18th Street, NW, Suite 901
Washington, DC  20036

Phone: +1 (202) 466-3894 • Fax: +1 (202) 223-5573 • Email: info@ncura.edu
