Networking and Events

Networking & Events

at NCURA's 63rd Annual Meeting


A woman uses her phone to take a photo of a Musician at NCURA's Annual Meeting Two NCURA members smile for the camera, each wearing a regional lanyard


Participating in the NCURA 63rd Annual Meeting gives you a unique opportunity to network with Research Administrators who face the same day-to-day issues as you.

How do you network in a virtual setting? Take advantage of the breaks and choose to participate in the group chat on the main page of the virtual platform and in all of the Q&A live conversations via zoom following each session.  There will be more networking opportunities to come, so check back to this page, and the online program as events are added!

Here are a number of benefits to networking with your colleagues at NCURA’s 63rd Annual Meeting!

  • Brainstorm: If two heads are better than one – just imagine how much better 20 or 30 heads will be. By networking with other people in your same situation you can uncover new solutions, new ideas and even new ways of looking at situations.
  • Recharge: Comparing notes with other professionals helps to reinvigorate your enthusiasm. You are not alone!
  • Build Contacts: Establishing a contact list of people you have personally met through networking at NCURA’s 63rd Annual Meeting makes future communications more personal whether it’s a call for information or a question.
  • Share Resources: Connecting with other Research Administrators on a first name basis makes sharing resources easy and helps ideas flow!
  • Make New Friends:It is not an unusual phenomenon for long-lasting friendships to originate at NCURA Conferences!

NCURA’s 63rd Annual Meeting creates an excellent platform to network, share stories and experiences, ask for advice and generally compare notes. You can learn new techniques and different ways to approach situations. We encourage you to take advantage of the social time away from the business agenda to mix and interact with colleagues and put faces to names, which is just as important as all the information you will take away from the conference.



NCURA Opening Night Event
Monday, August 30, 2021

Let the Fun and Networking Begin!

Join us for a delicious dinner and entertainment during NCURA’s Opening Night Event!  Your evening’s entertainment, sponsored by Baker Tilly, will be the popular science comedian, Adam Ruben.

This is a great way to start meeting the people with whom you will spend the next 3 days.  This is your chance to make new friends and build networks. You never know when your colleagues can be of support to you in the future, and you to them. Plus you want to gain as many new ideas as you can. Don’t miss this lovely evening and networking opportunity!


Featuring Adam Ruben

Adam Ruben is a writer, comedian, storyteller, and molecular biologist.

One of the most popular science comedians in the country, Adam has appeared on the Food Network, the Travel Channel, the Weather Channel, Discovery International, PBS, NPR, Netflix, and hosts shows like “Outrageous Acts of Science” and “What on Earth?” on the Science Channel.

When he’s not working in the lab or writing his monthly humor column in the otherwise respectable journal Science, Adam travels to conferences and universities (in >30 states and 6 countries so far) to have fun with–and make fun of–science.

Performance sponsored by NCURA Silver Plus Contributing Sponsor Baker Tilly   




NCURA Block Party! Re-Connect Edition
Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Sponsored in Part by NCURA Gold Plus Member Sponsor Cayuse    

We are back together again! Join us for the festivities and soak in the fun.   We will experience foods from each region of our membership to celebrate the diversity in our community. While we enjoy great food, we will have music, games and most of all..each other! Make new contacts and stay connected with friends and colleagues at the NCURA Block Party.



National Council of University Research Administrators
1015 18th Street, NW, Suite 901
Washington, DC  20036

Phone: +1 (202) 466-3894 • Fax: +1 (202) 223-5573 • Email: info@ncura.edu
