National Conference Travel Award

NCURA National Conference Travel Award

The NCURA National Conference Travel Award supports travel-related costs to the 63rd Annual Meeting, August 30-September 2, 2021 in Washington, DC. The Awards are for up to two individuals who would not otherwise financially be able to attend this conference. One recipient will be chosen from an institution within the U. S. and one recipient from an institution outside the U.S. The awardees receive up to $1,500 toward travel expenses associated with attending the Annual Meeting. The awardees’ institution/organization is responsible for the registration fee.

The criteria for selection are as follows:

  • Be a current NCURA member (NCURA membership is required to attend the Annual Meeting),
  • Would not otherwise, financially, be able to attend the conference,
  • Stay at the host hotel and be responsible for making own room and travel reservations; and
  • Agree to submit a report on his/her meeting experiences within thirty (30) days of the meeting.

Elements of the Application:

  • Completed online application form (link below)
  • Applicant brief statement of the anticipated benefits of attending the 63rd Annual Meeting
  • Letter from applicant's home institution supporting the application, describing why the travel is not otherwise feasible and confirming that the home institution/organization will support the Conference registration fees.

 Please find the application here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GYCYSXW. Application materials must be submitted by July 16, 2021.


For inquiries regarding this award contact Emily Ainsworth at 202.466.3894 or ainsworth@ncura.edu.

National Council of University Research Administrators
1015 18th Street, NW, Suite 901
Washington, DC  20036

Phone: +1 (202) 466-3894 • Fax: +1 (202) 223-5573 • Email: info@ncura.edu
