This workshop is being offered both in-person and as a virtual workshop. Some details, such as the daily schedule, will differ depending on whether you attend in-person or virtually. Please review the information for your specific offering.

Departmental Research Administration


NCURA is proud to offer the Departmental Research Administration Workshop, a workshop geared specifically towards the unit-level professional administrator. Unit-level administrators, or departmental research administrators (DRAs), who work at the department and college levels face unique challenges and a wide range of responsibilities and functions while managing research portfolios. DRAs must have expertise in both pre- and post-award activities. DRAs are distinguished from other research support functions because they are intimately involved with all facets of the research administration process, including daily interactions with faculty, while concurrently managing other department-specific responsibilities.

This program examines the essential elements of research administration, with a specific focus on the highly specialized skills needed to manage research effectively at the unit level. The program will employ practical applications to enhance critical thinking skills, and will apply best practices for research faculty support and other departmental day-to-day activities.

The DRA workshop is taught by experienced thought leaders in departmental research administration, who will share their real-life experiences. Instructors will also explain regulations, and inform how policies and procedures guide and support the stewardship of your institution’s sponsored awards.


Who Should Attend? Participants typically include departmental research administrators with 1-2 years of experience, central administrators who manage all aspects of research administration at their institutions, and financial or program administrators for whom research management and compliance is a portion of a larger role. This workshop is best suited for those at the department or college level.


After completing the workshop, participants should be able to:

  • Understand the role of the departmental research administrator and their interactions with other offices/departments
  • Implement best practices for applying the Office of Management and Budget 2 CFR 200, new UG updates, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit
  • Effectively administer sponsored awards throughout the award lifecycle
  • Employ pre-award practices which ensure effective and streamlined post-award management
  • Identify potential terms, regulations, and other concerns that may impact life-of-the-award management

Program Information

Program Level: Intermediate
Advance Preparation: None
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge - Technical
Delivery Method: Participants can choose to register for one of two formats:

  • Group Live (indicated by IN-PERSON )
  • Group Internet Based (indicated by VIRTUAL )

CEUs/CPEs: See here



Upcoming Departmental Research Administration Workshops

New Bulk Registrations Rates Now Available for Virtual and In-Person Workshops!

In-Person Workshop

Presented Live at

Hilton Salt Lake City Center

May 19 - 21, 2025
Salt Lake City, UT
Day 1 & 2 8:00am - 4:30pm
Day 3: 8:00am - 12:00pm
Registration Coming Soon!
This is the only in-person DRA Workshop available in 2025.
Hotel Booking Information:
May 18 - 21, 2025

Hilton Salt Lake City Center

Group Rate: $179.00 per night
Booking Link!
Sleeping rooms are available until the cutoff date of April 27, 2025 OR until the rooms in the block are sold out, whichever comes first.

Virtual Workshop

Presented Live via Zoom
Future Workshop Dates to be Announced Soon!


As this is an interactive workshop, registrants will need a computer (laptop/tablet) with dial-in information available if sound becomes an issue. Webcams are encouraged, but not required, as part of the interaction.

Register Here






2025 DRA Workshop Faculty


Nichole Crist

Senior Pre-Award Research Manager, University Research Administration
University of Chicago

Rashonda Harris

Adjunct Faculty, Masters of Research Administration
Johns Hopkins University

Diane Hillebrand

Assistant Director, Research & Sponsored Program Development
University of North Dakota


Jennifer Husmo

Associate Director, Molecular & Cellular Oncology
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center

Jennifer Marinella

Director, Grant & Contract Services
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Eric Miller

Director of Research Administration
University of Florida Health Cancer Center


Denise Moody

Director, Research Operations, Systems, and Policies
Lundquist Institute for Biomedical Innovation

Laneika Musalini

Director, Office of Sponsored Research & Programs
Metropolitan State University of Denver

Heather Offhaus

Director, Medical School Grant Services & Analysis, Office of Research
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor


Amy Thomas

Director of Research, College of Sciences & Mathematics
Auburn University


  • There was not a circumstance or situation that I as DRA have or will likely encounter that was not touched upon. The faculty provided me with options in terms of possible responses while adhering to the uniform guidelines. They were truly creative and innovative subject matter experts. Just an overall fabulous team. I am proud to be an NCURA member.

    Belinda BeachNorthwestern University

  • Engaging and relatable. They were able to bring levity and personality to a somewhat dry subject. Well done!

    Jen RamseyFlorida State University

  • I was very impressed with content and knowledge of the presenters. I felt it was of great benefit to my professional knowledge and consequently, my organization.

    Stacy HollowayEmory University