Export Controls

Export Controls


Whether you are new to the export controls field or have worked in it for a few years, one thing is for certain: it is a complicated field. Becoming familiar with the U.S. export control regulations and then applying them to an academic environment takes time and patience. The full array of export regulations span many government agencies who apply different types of controls based on their primary missions. This NCURA workshop will introduce the primary U.S. export control regulations and explain how they apply to an academic environment. With this understanding, helpful tools and exercises will be introduced which will show participants how to identify export controls risk at their institutions and then how to establish an effective program to manage this risk.


Who Should Attend? Beginner (<1 year) to Intermediate (1-5 years) academic practitioners having limited to full export control responsibilities at their institutions.


  • Gain an understanding of the primary U.S. export control regulations
  • Understand how to apply these regulations to the activities at your institution
  • Understand the risk associated with export controls and how to mitigate and manage this risk
  • Understand the elements of an effective Export Compliance Management Program

Program Information

Program Level: Intermediate
Advance Preparation: None
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge - Technical
Delivery Method: Participants can choose to register for one of two formats:

  • Group Live (indicated by IN-PERSON )
  • Group Internet Based (indicated by VIRTUAL )

CEUs/CPEs: See here




Upcoming Export Controls Workshops

This workshop is being offered exclusively as an on-campus workshop

2022 Export Controls Workshop Faculty


Mary M. Beran

Director, Office of Research Integrity Assurance
Georgia Institute of Technology

Allen A. DiPalma

Director, Trade Compliance
University of Pittsburgh

Elizabeth Peloso

Associate Vice President/Associate Vice Provost, Office of Research Services
University of Pennsylvania

  • Really great and well thought out class. Wonderful work put into the course material.

    Darryl JohnsonPrinceton University

  • Thank you for the providing the opportunity to learn from these very experienced experts in this field. They provided excellent material and were very open to questions and feedback from the attendees.

    Tammy GuillotteLouisiana State University Agriculture Center

  • Many thanks for a fantastic workshop. This was immensely helpful for someone new to export controls and who is responsible for creating policy and building a program.

    Matt RichterUniversity of Wisconsin - Milwaukee