The purpose of the National Conference on College Cost Accounting is to provide pertinent information and allow better communication between the institutions of higher education in the United States. Specifically, the Conference seeks to develop consistency in intrepreting various government policies such as:
Office of Management and Budget’s:
• OMB Circular A-21
• OMB Circular A-110
• OMB Circular A-128
• OMB Circular A-133
• other related circulars from the Office of Management and Budget
Cost Accounting Standards Board’s:
• CAS 501
• CAS 502
• CAS 505
• CAS 506
• Disclosure Statement – DS 2
IMPORTANT:This Conference is not engaged in price fixing or any other illegal activity which would violate anti-trust laws.
This conference is not in competition with any other organizations and the meetings will add to and not replace NACUBO, NCURA, SRA, or COGR sponsered meetings.
History of NACCA
After the F&A issues surfaced (then called Indirect Cost Issues) in the early 1990s, (Pings committee/Congressman Dingle) I looked for in-depth training in developing the indirect cost proposal. After attending a few training sessions, I came away with the impression that these courses just scratched the surface and just identified issues but was not teaching how to prepare a proposal. In 1993, I organized the first meeting of what become NACCA.
From the beginning I was asked to expand the nearly formed training sessions. I decided to expand on the U.S. health and Human service’ (HHS) Division of Cost Allocation (DCA) four field offices because HHS is designated by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) as the cognizant federal agency for reviewing and negotiating facility and administrative (indirect) cost rates, fringe benefit rates, special rates as determined to be appropriate, research patient care rates, statewide cost allocation plans and public assistance cost allocation plans. From this became the four regions now known as NECA, SECA, MECA, and WECA. I organized and held the following meeting in 1993:
• NECA – Boston and asked Pat Fitzgerald to head up this region.
• MECA – St. Louis and asked John Shipley to head up this region.
• WECA – San Francisco and asked Ron Tremea to head up this region.
• SECA – Atlanta and asked Don Tucker to head up this region.
• NACCA – National meeting.
The regional meetings continued with an annual national meeting. But now we find that the regional meetings have slowly been folded into one national meeting being held annually.