Where Do I Start?
Using the 10/20/30 Rule to Ensure a Great Presentation
How Can I Make My PowerPoint Presentations Amazing: lifehacker tips for giving the best presentation possible
10 Tips for Giving a Good Presentation
13 Public Speaking Mistakes: What NOT to Do When Giving a Presentation
Quick Fixes for the Most Common Presentation Mistakes
“Talk Nerdy to Me” Melissa Marshall advises scientists and engineers how to make their complicated ideas understood to audiences
TED Talk: Julian Treasure on how best to utilize your vocal “toolkit” to make yourself heard, in a speech or daily life
Body Language:
The 10 Worst Body Language Mistakes People Make While Giving Presentations and How to Avoid Them
Body Language Mistakes: A Slideshow
Gestures: What Do I Do with My Hands?
TED Talk: Amy Cuddy on understanding how your body language can affect your confidence and leadership ability. Watch this to change the way others perceive you and you perceive yourself