Design and Structure:
Rhetoric Isn’t A Bad Thing: How to Talk Like Steve Jobs
15 Recommendations for Designing and Delivering Effective Conference Presentations (Make it Interactive!)
How-To-Make Awesome Diagrams for Your Slides: A slideshow on Making Effective Diagrams
Five Killer Ways to Design the Same Slide: a demonstration of creating high impact visuals
Steal This Presentation: a pro-guide to making a stunning PowerPoint
8 Great Suggestions on How to Make Great PowerPoint Slides
What Would Steve Do? 10 Lessons from the World's Most Captivating Presenters: slideshow with lessons on how to present like Steve Jobs
17 Tricks to Master PowerPoint: get the most out of PowerPoint
TED Talk: Nancy Duarte breaks down the structure of great talks. “You’re not Luke Skywalker; you, as the presenter, are Yoda.”
TED Talk: Simon Sinek on inspiring your audiences by getting them to believe what you believe
A Model of Learning Objectives
10 Most Common Rookie Mistakes in Public Speaking (for rookies and experts)
Adding Data:
How to Choose the Best Data For Your Chart
Slideshow Making the Most of Your Data
You Could Be A Better Presenter: a surefire guide to improving your presenting skills
What’s the Problem with Creating a Powerpoint?: an editorial that may change the way you think about using PowerPoint
A comprehensive website with tips for every step of the public speaking process, from developing the idea of your speech to dealing with a goof-up, to entertaining your audience
Caroline Goyder, a professional voice coach: Open a Drawer Within Yourself to Find Your Voice