National Officer- Secretary


Serves on the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee

The Secretary joins the NCURA Board of Directors and is a member of the Executive Committee for the two year commitment. He/she becomes Secretary on January 1st of even years and reports to the President. The key responsibilities associated with the position are described below.

Total Commitment: 2 Years

A. Function of Position - The Secretary is a member of the Executive Committee and Board.  The Secretary serves as a parliamentarian and recording official for NCURA.

B. Essential Duties and Responsibilities & % Time Devoted  The Secretary is a member of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.  In this capacity, the Secretary is responsible for attending in-person meetings with the other Executive Committee members approximately four times per year and with the Board of Directors at least three times per year.  Generally, in-person Executive Committee meetings are held the day before in-person Board of Directors meetings.  However, much of the Board and Executive Committee's work is accomplished through e-mail and telephone communication.  Additional time is spent on in-person meetings of the Board and the Executive Committee. However, in addition to the attendance and participation in these meetings the Secretary has several specific duties which are detailed below:

Upon request, draft correspondence for review by the Board or the President. No significant time commitment.


C. Qualifications/Requirements –

1.    Knowledge /Skills – A comprehensive understanding of the mission, goals and structure (organizational and administrative) of NCURA; ability to listen to and understand varying points of view; commitment to the professional development of NCURA’s members; an ability to facilitate dialogue with the Executive Committee, Board of Directors and regional leadership regarding.

2.       Ability to impartially record proceedings and to write concise, accurate summaries of complex discussions. Writing skills sufficient to craft language for correspondence, administrative policies and bylaws (if needed) that clearly conveys the intent of the Executive Committee and the Board to the Membership.

2.   Presence/Professionalism - Ability and willingness to deal with individuals with sensitivity, tact and courtesy. Ability and willingness to prioritize topics, thoroughly and actively construct and analyze alternatives, openly consider alternatives presented by others, and make decisions in the organization's best interests.

3.   Education and/or Experience - Education and experience in the field of research administration sufficient to promote and support NCURA’s goals and objectives; proven leadership capabilities and experience in diverse, multicultural environments – past experience as a regional officer, on the Board of Directors, on an standing committee (Nominating and Leadership Development, Professional Development or Financial Management committees)is highly desirable.

4.   Membership Status – Must hold a Current Regular Member Status.


D.  Training and Support – Completion of the NCURA Executive Leadership Program prior to seeking office will provide a solid foundation and an excellent opportunity to enhance leadership knowledge and skills. The program is particularly helpful due to its intentional focus on leadership topics and skills important to an organization such as NCURA. Support during the two year period is available from the NCURA Office.

E.  Additional Information (Benefits, Cost Reimbursement, Travel Requirements) - NCURA reimburses all travel and incidental expenses related to NCURA business, including travel costs incurred when the Secretary is traveling on behalf of the NCURA. In addition, Annual Meeting registration and lodging are covered by NCURA (for each of the two years in office). Upon request, the Secretary's university office receives $500 to help off-set expenses related to their activities for NCURA for each of two years.



NCURA Awards: Current National Officers (President, Vice-President, Immediate Past- President, Treasurer and Secretary) and current NCURA Standing Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs (FMC, N&LDC and PDC) and the Members of the Board are ineligible for nomination for an NCURA Outstanding Achievement in Research Administration Award or for a Distinguished Service Award.


Nominations (including self-nominations) will only be accepted if the following information is submitted to volunteer@ncura.edu by December 2, 2024. The nomination materials include:

  • one-page nomination letter from one (1) current NCURA member addressing why the nominee is qualified for the position for which they are being nominated.  For self-nominations, submit a one-page letter of support from one (1) current NCURA member in addition to the nomination letter.  Please note that additional letters will not be considered in order to ensure consistency with all nominations.
  • A CV (no more than two pages) for the nominee emphasizing nominee’s leadership experience (including personal, institutional, NCURA, and/or other professional organizations) and specific NCURA regional and/or national service related to the position for which they are being nominated.
  • A confirming statement from the nominee that their NCURA Collaborate profile is complete and up-to-date.
  • A personal statement, no more than one page (single-spaced, 11-point font), from the nominee answering the following questions:
    • Describe your interest in the position and your unique ability to perform the role.
    • What strategies would you use to move forward the mission of NCURA?

Please note that once the nomination is submitted to the Nominating and Leadership Development Committee, there is a very extensive review and approval process in coordination with NCURA’s Board of Directors.  Nominees may not receive final feedback on the status until after the Board of Directors meeting in Spring of next year.