Global Webinar



Horizon Europe- EU Funding Opportnities for US Institutions Webinar


A follow up Q&A session for this webinar is scheduled for June 21 at 12pm ET, please join via the zoom link:



Horizon Europe is the European Union funding program for research and innovation with a budget of €95.5 billion over 7 years until 2027. It tackles climate change, helps to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, and boosts the EU’s competitiveness and growth. Horizon Europe is open to U.S. participants bringing their own funding. However, for some of the mobility grants and for research on health-related topics, U.S. participants can be funded directly by the European Commission. In both cases, U.S. participants will have access to the best research and innovation groups in Europe.

Florent Bernard, Ph.D., Counsellor for Research and Innovation of the European Union Delegation to the U.S. will host the presentation in conjunction with the National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA). 

Kathleen Larmett, Executive Director at NCURA will open the panel with welcome remarks, followed by an overview of Horizon Europe funding programs by Diego Sammaritano, Deputy Head of Unit for International Collaboration Policy at the Directorate General for Research and Innovation of the European Union. Megan Moore, Associate Director of Pre-Award at Harvard University will elaborate on US participation in EU programs, in particular the significance of the associated partner status. Bastian Raue from the German Aerospace Center (DLR) will share experiences as a national contact point on how to participate in an EU consortium. Questions and Answers will be moderated by Dr.  Bernard after the presentation.

Agenda for 13th of June

Watch the Recording here.



ORCID Webinar:

ORCID - Connecting the Research Community

Research continues to be an increasingly global collaboration. ORCID, which stands for Open Researcher & Contributor Identifier, is an international nonprofit organization that provides a unique digital identifier (an ORCID iD) for researchers and a record of professional activities. ORCID iDs are free for individuals, and participating organizations around the globe can collect and use the ORCID iDs of their affiliated researchers in research administration workflows. A key benefit to researchers and their institutions is a reduction in administrative burden while
streamlining data collection for reporting, measuring, and amplifying research impacts.

Webinar Recordings and Presentations 

Part II-  Live April 30, 2:00-3:30 pm EST

Speakers from ORCID, LYRASIS, and University of Arizona talked about how ORCID 1) promotes research collaboration, 2) supports
open data in a 90-minute webinar 

Download Presentation below: 

Presentation: here

Webinar Recording below :

ORCID- Connecing the Research Community

More information and resources:

SciENcv and ORCID to Streamline NIH and NSF Grant Applications- Sheila Rabun

ORCID US Community zoom call about ORCID and SciENcv


COVID-19 Webinar Series:


The Impact of COVID-19 on University Research Environment and Management

What are the different practices universities and funding agencies have implemented as a response to COVID-19? How can the international research community support one another and identify opportunities?  

Webinar Recordings and Presentations 

Part II-  Live April 8, 10:00-11:30 am EST

Experts from The National Institutes of Health (NIH), University of Kent and Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association will answer these questions and more in a 90-minute webinar at 10:00 am EDT/2:00 pm UTC, Thursday, April 8, 2020. 

Download Presentations below: 

Presentation by Michelle Bulls, The National Institutes of Health,USA 

Presentation by Simon Kerridge,University of Kent, UK 

Presentation by Ioannis Legouras, Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association, Germany

Webinar Recording below :

RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION IN A TIME OF DISRUPTION- The Impact of COVID-19 on University Research Environment and Management


Part I-  Live March 26th, 10:00-11:30 am EST

Experts from Politecnico di Milano, Duke Kushan University, and the National Science Foundation will answer these questions and more in a 90-minutes webinar at 10:00 am EST/2:00 pm UTC, Thursday, March 26, 2020.

Download Presentations below: 

Presentation by Stefania Grotti, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Presentation by Jing Bai, Duke Kushan University, China

Presentation by Jean Feldman, National Science Foundation, US

Webinar Recording below :

RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION IN A TIME OF DISRUPTION- The Impact of COVID-19 on University Research Environment and Management



Past Webinar:

NCURA-ASCUN Webinar (in Spanish)


Fundamentos y Recursos Disponibles para una Gestión de la Investigación Internacional

Una introducción a algunos de los elementos básicos de la administración de investigación en el contexto universitario. Se enfoca en los temas de: el papel del administrador de investigación, modelos de organización en administración de investigación en EEUU, investigación internacional; oportunidades y retos, y los beneficios y herramientas de NCURA. Organizado por la Asociación Colombiana de Universidades (ASCUN) y Asociación Nacional de Administradores de Investigaciones en Universidades (NCURA).

Este seminario se llevó a cabo en línea el viernes 20 de abril de 11:00am a 12:00pm (EDT). 


Maria Palazuelos, Director of Research Compliance, University of Delaware

Elizabeth Bernal Gamboa, Coordinadora Académica, Asociación Colombiana de Universidades (ASCUN)

Presentación/Presentation y Grabación de Webinar:

Fundamentos y Recursos Disponibles para una Gestión de la Investigación Internacional

Grabación de Webinar/Webinar Recording


Accessing Horizon 2020 Research Funding for the Global Community

Presented live, June 23, 2017



  • Martin Kirk, University of British Columbia
  • Annika Glauner,  ETH Zurich
  • Jennifer Ponting, Harvard University 


Webinar Recording- Accessing Horizon 2020 Research Funding for the Global Community

Please click HERE to download the presentation.

If you have any questions about Horizon 2020, please join the Follow up Discussion Forum from Monday, June 26- Friday, June 30

To view the follow up discussion forum, please click HERE and select the discussion tab.

Need a login? Click HERE for instructions to get your NCURA website login. 



Shandra White, George Washington University

Tricia Callahan, Miami University

Robin Riglin, Penn State University

Robert Andresen, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Panda Powell, University of North Carolina Wilmington

Webinar Recordings (approximately 45 minutes each):

Proposal Development

Funding Opportunity Databases

Award Negotiations

Award Management

Institutional Policy


Proposal Development - Shandra White

Funding Opportunity Databases - Tricia Callahan

Award Negotiation - Robin Riglin

Award Management - Robert Andresen
Institutional Policy - Panda Powell



This free workshop consists of 5 webinars that provide you with the resources and guidance needed to submit winning proposals to funding agencies like USAID, State Department, JICA, EuropeAid, as well as private foundations. It is designed to provide the proposal-writing skills that will empower NGOs to successfully seek donor funding. 


A. Susan Clarke, Loyola University Chicago 

Jerrold Keilson, American Institutes for Research 

Giuseppe Luca Polizzi, King Abdullah University of Science&Technology 

Jeffrey Ritchie, Lewis University 

Yu Sasaki, Kyoto University  (in partnership with Ayako Fujieda)


Webinar Recordings (approximately 40-45 minutes each):

Recording of the U.S. Department of State Grants: Best Practices in Proposal Writing

Recording of the EuropeAid Grants: Best Practices in Proposal Writing

Recording of Introduction and Basics of Proposal Writing for USAID

Recording of U.S. Private Foundations- Getting Started

Recording of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA): Opportunities, Partners, and a Case Study


EuropeAid Grants: Best Practices in Proposal Writing

U.S. Department of State Grants: Best Practices in Proposal Writing

Introduction and Basics of Proposal Writing for USAID

U.S. Private Foundations- Getting Started

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA): Opportunities, Partners, and a Case Study

Prior Workshops and Webinars

2016 Kyoto Workshop

2015 Zurich Workshop

2015 Brussels Workshop


Claire Chen, Director , Global Initiatives  (chen@ncura.edu / +1-202-466-3894)  

Jan Bruegmann, Program Associate, Global Initiatives (Bruegmann@ncura.edu / +1-202-655-7255)